
I'll CHAI if I want to...

every morning I make a Chai Tea Latte while Peniel, my very vocally expressive 3 year old, is watching a cartoon...and every morning she covers her ears, gives me the stink eye and yells, "TOO LOUDER MOMMY!"  and every morning I pretend i dont see or hear her protests and keep steaming.  She is too young to understand that the entire day hinges on this precisely steamed (to 170 degrees), perfectly foamed cup of pipping hot euphoria.  I actually think that the opposition to my making it, makes it tastes keep screaming kid #1, keep screaming!  In my estimation, and my estimations are always correct, I have earned my Chai...when I wake up every morning looking like the bride of Frankenstein with bags under my eyes the size of Rhode Island, and all that i own smells heavily of kid...If 2 mins during a cartoon rerun (that my oldest has seen 100 times) is the only time I can make my Chai, come hell or high water I will have my Chai even if it kills me!  Every Chai is a precious gift to a very tired mom, I dont believe in wasting precious gifts not any day of the week!

1 comment:

  1. I love it Brooke, I will follow your blog. Your kids are so animated and your perspective and outlook on life make every story lighthearted and enjoyable.
