
Kid Moments

How does one go half a day without noticing that her child has colored her entire face with a yellow marker?  Three kids ago, I wouldn’t have imagined this possible...but now, all things are possible for those who parent children!  I can’t believe how much motherhood has changed from the days when I just had one child to today when I have three...the things you notice, worry about, care about, think about morphs into something more realistic when you begin the journey of adding more children. 

I used to care about Peniel being fashionable, wearing cute clothes that had no stains, and always looking like she could model for Baby Gap.  She never had a scraped knee or dirt under her finger nails, she always looked pristine, but that was when she was the only child.  Then came Rafe Joy and pregnancy...Peniel's hair was less than done on most days due to the exhaustion of family expansion and body expansion.  Her clothes a little more stained due to the baby on my hip and the baby in my tummy.  She got a little more dirt in her hair and rocks in her boots when playing outside, got a few more scrapes too...but what would  childhood be if you couldn't wear mismatched socks, a skirt over your dress, an entire tube of chapstick on your lips and shoes on the wrong feet? 

I believe in having memories, and some of the best memories I have of my kids are when they have done or gotten themselves into something that they weren't supposed to do or get into.  I will always remember this day when my Peniel colored her face yellow and I was completely oblivious to how obvious it was!  Even though it took multiple wet wipes to clean her up while two other kids were screaming for my attention, it was worth it for the sake of adding another special Peniel moment to my memory.

Next time something goes awry in your parenting, take a snap shot, enjoy the mishap for half a second before you get upset at the extra work on your part to fix the mess because it is the imperfect moments in life that mean the most!

1 comment:

  1. I love this post! So true!!! Those are the memories we'll cherish the most I think... the mayhem, the messes, the squealing kids running around our house! I'm trying to take it all in!!!

    Lora Lowder :)
