
Love/Strongly dislike relationship

Peniel and Rafe Joy...sisters, friends, playmates, and on occasion: Arch enemies!  Deep down they love each other and would do anything for a much beloved sister, unless that much beloved sister tries to take a toy from the other or wrestle her to the ground to vent frustration...its these moments that inspire the "dislike" in their relationship.  Today, after countless power struggles over toys, junk mail, dried up markers, and of course lip gloss, the sisters' "dislike" moment was epitomized when Peniel put a long string of beads around her little sisters neck.  Rafe was overjoyed and let out a bubbling chuckle.  She looked at her big sister with eyes that seemed to say, "all sins against me have been absolved my child... these beads fix everything!"  Peniel looked at Rafe, her 3 year old smile curving mischievously as if to say, "now I got you right where I want you."  Two seconds later, Peniel's intentions where made very clear as to why she wanted her sister to wear the a blink of an eye, Peniel picked up the slack in the beads and began to lead her sister around like a puppy who wasn't leash trained.  The sweet, loving expression that was on Rafe's face a mere two seconds prior was now mutated into the face of an experienced street fighter.  Don't be mistaken, Rafe was not getting hurt in this exchange with her sister...she was getting MAD, and when Rafe gets mad, there are no holds barred!  If Rafe had the power to turn green, she would be the HULK in her moments of outrage.  Peniel knew she was losing the advantage from her initial surprise attack so she pulled and pushed her sister more quickly toward her destination: the bathroom.  I starred with my mouth agape, I am sure I had a puzzled, blank look on my face, how could I not!...All the while I was thinking, "I should say something," but I was overcome with curiosity as to how this epic struggle was going to end.  Peniel made it to the bathroom with her little sister thrashing like a hooked Marlin at the end of the bead leash.  With great effort, Peniel put the leash on one of the cupboard nobs and backed away quickly...her mission accomplished.  She had the timeless look of satisfaction on her face.  Rafe broke free unscathed, but red faced and screaming like an 80's rocker. 
Rafe became wiser today... she will not forget the wrong that was done to her by her much loved/disliked sister...she will have her revenge...maybe tomorrow, maybe on the next full moon...the element of surprise now rests in the mind of a very small child who has inherited her mother's dark gift for mischief.

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